Externa perspektiv och fokuserat teamwork kan vara de komponenter som hjälper dig uppnå dina strategiska mål.
På er begäran erbjuder vi ett team erfarna analytiker som påskyndar ditt projekts framgång
Inom bara 2 veckor är våra on-demand team redo att assistera dig

Företag i över 12 branscher har förlitat sig på oss - och därmed slutfört sina projekt snabbare

Vårt arbetssätt
Välutbildade och tränade
Våra on-demand talanger går igenom en intensiv gransknings- och utvecklingsfas. Vi utvärderar och väljer ut de Masternivå-studeranden som presterat bäst. Slutligen erbjuder vi dem de bästa verktygen för att säkerställa goda prestationer i ditt projekt.
On-demand team
Anställ ett komplett team och påbörja ett projekt inom 2 veckor. Vi finner den optimala gruppen talanger för ditt specifika projekt - och erbjuder dig en lista med högpresterande studeranden. Allt detta möjliggör en försnabbad inlärningskurva, och mer tid för värdeskapande.
Tidsbundna sprints
Våra projekt är tidsbundna - och genomförs med en sprintmetodik. Detta innebär snabba resultat, samt att du kvickt kan testa en hypotes och justera följande steg enligt resultaten vi levererar.
Lösningar för dina projekt

Business model for servicing-partner for higher service levels
HeavyCo. - a major manufacturer of industrial equipment - sought to expand geographical coverage of its service business in order to reduce the lead time and costs of service. Deployment of on-demand workforce helped HeavyCo. cut down the time needed to reach the pilot phase of the project by 3X.

Improve cross-division collaboration for knowledge transfer
TelCo. faced internal barriers in collaboration between the olders and new teams. These barriers were related to both company culture as well as the formal goals between teams. Therefore TelCo. wanted to find a way to break down the barriers and increase interaction between the teams.

Reduced equipment failures upon delivery to customers
About 1% of EquipmentCo.’s deliveries lead to out-of-box failures (OBF). This resulted in customer dissatisfaction and increased delivery costs. Therefore, EquipmentCo. sought to identify the root cause of these failures, identify solutions together with KPIs to measure OBFs.

Automate price range analysis for new product
EquipmentCo. was preparing to launch a strategic product which could fundamentally transform the way the current product line was thought and configured in the industry. To accomplish this, EquipmentCo. sought to identify the pricing range of its existing product suite in different geographies.

We were really impressed for the results same project internally would have taken 4-6 months calendar time when running it beside all the other tasks. Results are now in pilot use.
Senior Executive, Metso
The results of the sprint significantly exceeded our expectations and we were able to save a significant amount of time and effort compared to doing something similar internally.
Senior Executive, Kemira
I was impressed by the dedication of project team to bring outside-in view, to evaluate our business activities and to find out the most essential from the big data elements.
Senior Executive, Alko
The team worked really fast and were able to transfer all our business requirements into concrete results. We were all impressed with their level of knowledge.
Senior Executive, PauligAccelerera ditt projekt
Utforska möjligheterna
Vi letar ständigt efter glada och engagerade lagkamrater som hjälper oss i resan att förändra hur arbete utförs.