Prevented personnel injury risks in ManufacturingCo.’s production
ManufacturingCo. currently uses Lock-Out-Tag-Out (LOTO) procedures in its mills to prevent risks of personnel injuries in production. However, these procedures vary a lot across different mills. SCG’s agile workforce created a cost efficient and scalable LOTO process workflow for ManufacturingCo. to standardize and implement LOTO processes across all EquipmentCo.’s mills.
9Implemented in 9 mills
Quick summary
ManufacturingCo. is a leading manufacturer of tissue papers, greaseproof papers and facial tissues. Due to its large production facilities, ensuring employee safety is crucial during maintenance and service work while production is stopped. SCG’s agile workforce conducted key personnel interviews and benchmarking of relevant peer companies to implement a standardized Lock-Out-Tag-Out (LOTO) procedure for all ManufacturingCo. mills.
The key questions addressed in the project:
Q1. Who are the key personnel and what are their responsibilities for LOTO?
Q2. What are the scenarios in which LOTO is utilized?
Q3. What are the critical factors for choosing LOTO equipment features e.g. color, number of locks, types of locks?
The situation
ManufacturingCo. used SCG’s workforce to deepen their understanding of key steps in the LOTO process. This project helped ManufacturingCo. to identify key personnel for the LOTO process, addressed different risks and provided a detailed LOTO process map and relevant equipment to use in LOTO.
Our approach
Phase 1: Current LOTO policy research at ManufacturingCo.
To draft the LOTO process map for use-cases accurately, SCG first conducted background research in phase 1 by reviewing the current LOTO policy, extracting the current high-level LOTO process, identifying use-case scenarios for LOTO applications and key personnel to interview.
Process flow of LOTO implementation
Phase 2: LOTO process map creation using benchmark mills
Based on the background research in phase 1 and the benchmark interviews with peer companies, SCG created detailed LOTO workflows for four different LOTO stages: shutdown and isolation, LOTO and test, personal padlocks, and unlocking and documentation. In each LOTO stage, SCG also provided detailed solutions for relevant equipment usage and document standardization.
Phase 3: Close cooperation with client for suitable outcome
Mill-specific procedures were analyzed with ManufacturingCo. to provide a standard LOTO solution for all mills. SCG addressed different risks that can arise in the LOTO process and provided solutions to prevent these risks. SCG also made recommendations for LOTO equipment that are visually easy to identify and can be used in a standardized way minimizing complexity in the process and making it cost efficient.
Values of LOTO implementation
ManufacturingCo. piloted the new LOTO process at one of its mills and will implement it across all post the pilot.
This work will be used in real life and will save hundreds of lives!
Senior operational manager
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