Current state analysis
Undersök interna processer för att identifiera flaskhalsar och optimala tillvägagångssätt

Företagsledare strävar efter att skapa standardiserade processer - detta för att förbättra effektiviteten och minska avvikelser. Men på grund av brist på effektiv övervakning och ständiga förändringar i miljön så varierar processerna kraftigt. Med current state analysis hjälper vi er att definiera och standardisera processerna. Vi identifierar avvikelser, ägare och relevanta nyckeltal.

Standardise the CO2 emission calculation in the supply chain
As a leading chemical industry company, ChemicalCo.’s management sought to understand the emissions in its supply chain. Thus ChemicalCo. set out to measure its outbound logistics emissions by utilizing an EU recommended framework.

Reduced equipment failures upon delivery to customers
About 1% of EquipmentCo.’s deliveries lead to out-of-box failures (OBF). This resulted in customer dissatisfaction and increased delivery costs. Therefore, EquipmentCo. sought to identify the root cause of these failures, identify solutions together with KPIs to measure OBFs.

Standardise maintenance process and scout a digital solution
MaterialsCo.'s factories lacked cohesive and standardised maintenance processes. Maintenance across factories were reactive or corrective in nature. MaterialsCo. sought to change this to a proactive and predictive way in order to reduce production disruptions, save costs and increase productivity.